Frequently Asked Questions
How much does this service cost? is free for consumers so please tell your friends and family about the website!
How do I choose a heating oil company?
Like anything else it depends on what you are looking for in order to make the right choice.
Do you want a smaller company or a larger heating oil company?
Do you want the company to offer service or are you going to only buy oil and call a service company if you have a problem?
Do you need a heating service contract?
Do you want to pay in cash or do you want to pay monthly with a budget plan?
Who do I order oil from?
You are not buying oil directly from You are purchasing oil directly through one of our home heating oil dealers who advertise on
What are the options for ordering?
To order home heating oil from our heating oil dealers you can either:
1. Call to order heating oil.
2. Purchase heating oil online instantly with a credit card. (only some oil dealers offer this option)
Is owned or affiliated with any heating oil company?
No, we are not affiliated with any heating oil company. Please call them for customer service with respect to your order.
Why does heating oil cost so much?
Tough question and believe me there is no easy answer but there are several factors involved.
1. Heating oil is a traded commodity (Speculators buy and sell oil).
2. Supply/demand
3. Large amount of oil is imported from other countries.
However, retail heating oil dealers have to pay the high prices for the oil from large companies who process and refine it. Then your local oil dealer has to add a profit margin.
What is fuel oil?
Fuel Oil is a phrase used by some parts of the Mid Atlantic region (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania) when talking about home heating oil.